In Tune With Tuna

“Tuna fishing the Gulf of Mexico at night doesn’t get any better than this…” Two hours of “chunking” for tuna proved fruitless that evening on the Midnight Lump, as the sun relentlessly glared down on us. What added to the aggravation were the long sunburned faces that wondered if fresh tuna would ever line their … Read more

The Cajun Bahamas

Grand Isle, Louisiana, is the Cajun Bahamas Just two hours southwest of New Orleans at the southern most point of La. State Highway 1, lies a whole other world that lives up to its name, GRAND Isle. Grand Isle, from earliest days of exploration along Louisiana’s coast, has indeed figured strikingly with regard to state … Read more

Fish Facts: Striped Mojarra – Eugerres Plumieri

Striped mojarra (Eugerres plumieri) range in the Western Atlantic from South Carolina through the Gulf of Mexico all the way to Brazil but are absent from Bahamas and West Indies. Striped mojarra liv in shallow coastal waters and occasionally travel quite a distance into freshwater. Striped mojarra feed on aquatic insects, crustaceans, clams and even … Read more

Fish Facts: Great Northern Tilefish

Great northern tilefish – Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps: Occur from Nova Scotia to southern Florida and the Gulf of Mexico and possible the northern coast of South America. Usually tilefish are found in fairly deep waters around 500 ft or more, usually over mud or sand bottom and occasionally over rough bottom. They feed mainly on shrimp … Read more

Fish Facts: Leopard Toadfish – Opsanus pardus

The Leapard Toadfish has the general appearance of the oyster toadfish with a large head, large mouth but the skin has a more spotted pattern. Toadfish feed primarily on smaller fish and small crustaceans. Maximum weight is about three pounds. They range throughout the Gulf of Mexico and the Western Central Atlantic Ocean.

Fish Facts: Red Snapper

Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) reach a maximum size of ~50 pounds. Red Snapper, as the name implies, have a somewhat reddish color. A more descriptive adjective would probably be rose colored. The young have a large dark spot just below the back part of the dorsal fin. Red Snapper range from Massachusetts down to Florida … Read more

Fish Facts: Speckled Trout

Speckled Trout (Cynoscion nebulosus) also know as speck is a very important gamefish in the Gulf of Mexico as well as the Atlantic Ocean. Speckled Trout are easy to identify. They have elogated bodies with spots. The spots are more prominent when young and are more numerous on the back. Specks have two very easy … Read more

Fish Facts: Mangrove Snapper

This is a juvenile Mangrove Snapper. Mangrove Snapper (Lutjanus griseus) also known as gray snapper, is an important fish both commercially and recreationally. Mangrove snapper reach sizes up to 17 pounds max., frequently up to 12 pounds and more commonly caught at 2 pounds. Mangrove Snapper range from as far North as Massachusetts, South to … Read more

Fish Facts: Tripletail

The fisherman is holding a tripletail fish in his hands

When observing the waters of tropical oceans around the world, one species in particular stands out for its intriguing attributes – the tripletail fish. By their scientific name Lobotes surinamensis, these marine animals exhibit unique anatomical and behavioral characteristics that have captured the interest of researchers. We will share more details about this species in … Read more