Fish Facts: Inshore Lizardfish – Synodus foetens

Inshore Lizardfish inhabit the shallow sand and mud bottoms of the inshore waters of the Western Atlantic Ocean. There range extends from Massachusetts to Brazil including the Gulf of Mexico. But Inshore Lizardfish are uncommon in the northern part of their range. Inshore Lizardfish are a relatively small fish reaching lengths of about 18 inches … Read more

Fish Facts: Stocky Hawkfish – Cirrhitus pinnulatus

The stocky hawkfish is the largest of the hawkfishes and are plenitfully found amoung shallow coral reefs from the Red Sea, East Africa Eastward to the the Marquesan Islands and Mangareva, also north to Japan and East to the Hawaiian Islands. The species is also found in the atlantic ocean near the southern tip of … Read more

Fish Facts: Cunner

The Cunner is a common fish in shallow waters around cover. Cunners are omnivorous feeding on a wide variety of prey including sea urchins, worms, fish eggs, molluscs and crustaceans. Spawning occurs from June to August. Cunner are small fish of about 1/2 pound or less. They range from Labrador to New Jersey. The fish … Read more

Fish Facts: Juvenile African Pompano

Juvenile African Pompano, notice the long filaments that tip the end of its fins. These get shorter the older the fish is. Even though the names implies they are an african fish they do occur in U.S. waters each year. You might be interested: Recipes: Florida Pompano

Fish Facts: Bearded Brotula

Bearded brotula – Brotula barbata is a bottom feeder found over a variety of bottoms in water that ranges from as shallow as 50 to as deep as 1000! Bearded brotula range from Northern Florida in the Atlantic to the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean and southward to Northern South America. Bearded brotula are … Read more

Fish Facts: Northern Kingfish

The northern kingfish Menticirrhus saxatilis is a member of the drum family and is often found in the trough adjacent to the swash zone of the beach and on sand bottoms in the bays and channels. And range from Chesapeake Bay to New York usually but can be found outside of this range to a … Read more

Fish Facts: Cocahoe Minnow – Fundulus grandis

Cocahoe minnows go by a number of different names. In Louisiana they are known as cocahoes, in Florida they go by bull minnow or mud minnow, in text books they are often referred to as gulf killifish. Regardless of the name the cocahoe minnow is an excellent baitfish. They are large and hardy and speckled … Read more

Fish Facts: Southern Sennet (Sphyraena Picudilla)

The Southern Sennet has a range from Florida to Louisiana. As you can probably see the Southern Sennet is closely related to the Great Barracuda yet is considerably smaller. The Southern Sennet is a predatory fish that feeds on fish, shrimp, and squid. Good to eat though not commonly caught for commercial purposes. Habitat and … Read more

Fish Facts: Spoonbill Catfish – Polyodon spathula

The Spoonbill Catfish (Polyodon spathula) also known as the paddlefish, is one of most ancient fish around and also one of the weirdest looking fish species. Spoonbill catfish are not actually catfish at all as the name implies. Spoonbill Catfish were once endangered but are now making a comeback. Spoonbill catfish have been around for … Read more