One of the biggest challenges in long term hog hunting and management is to be able to keep hogs in a given area for an extended period of time. There are a few factors that should be looked at when determining what needs to be done to get hogs in a certain area and keep them there. Hogs, like anything else, have the basic needs of food, water, and shelter.
Hogs are extremely dependant on water to keep them hydrated and cooled, especially during the heat of the summer. To guarantee a steady hog population these three previously mentioned needs must be met adequately and constantly. Once these basic building blocks are provided, you can focus on special “extras” that lure hogs to the areas that you want them in and convince them to stay.
The Hog Post: The first hog magnet that I’m going to describe is a “Hog Post.” Wild boars are creatures that are driven by scent. Hogs are attracted to the smell of a creosote post, like ants to a picnic basket. All you need to do to set up a hog post is to go down to your local lumber yard and purchase a creosote post approximately five to six feet long. Some lumber yards sell railroad ties which work perfectly due to the heavy amount of creosote that is applied to them.
Pick a spot in your favorite hunting area and set the post in the ground two to three feet deep, be sure to leave three to four feet of the post sticking out of the ground. The scent of this post will travel great distances and will draw hogs to your land from afar.
Hogs will take turns scratching and rubbing on the post and before long your post will be as slick as a piece of driftwood. To multiply the attracting power of your hog post, rub it down with old axle grease or you can even paint it with a thin coat of used motor oil. This is an excellent way to recharge the post and keep the pigs coming to the site regularly. If you have a power line running through your place then the creosote power pole can double as a hog post.
The Roll Barrel: The next device that I’m going to describe to help you anchor hogs in your area is a “Roll Barrel.” One of a hog’s favorite snacks is corn. If a boar knows there is a supply of corn in the area, he will work extremely hard to ensure that those tasty golden kernels are his. This is where having a roll barrel pays off big. To make a roll barrel, first find a 33 gallon plastic drum. I get mine from the local soda water plant for three dollars each.
Cut a hole in the top large enough to be able to pour corn in and attach a hinge to the cut out piece to form a door. Affix a latch or wire to the door so it can be closed after the barrel is filled with corn. Next, secure a 10 foot rope to one end of the barrel. This will be used to secure the roll barrel to a tree or post once you set it out. Finally, drill 1/2 inch holes in the side of the barrel. The more holes you drill, the more corn will be released each time the barrel is rolled over. I recommend drilling between twelve to thirty holes in the barrel’s side. Now all you have to do is bait and set out the roll barrel. To do this, simply tie the free end of the rope at ground level to a tree or t-post.
Fill the barrel with corn, close and secure the lid, and lastly, lay the barrel on its side on the ground. I like to sprinkle a few boxes of cherry or berry flavored instant jell-o powder on the barrel. Hogs love this stuff and it will help them locate the barrel more quickly. Once hogs discover that every roll of the barrel dispenses a tasty treat, they will focus all their attention on this new snack bar. Be sure that your rope is securely tied. I once found my roll barrel approximately one hundred yards from its original spot. It had been rolled down a dry creek bed and up the other side!

Another tip in setting your roll barrel is to set it on a hillside if possible. A tank dam works great. Placing the barrel on a slope prohibits the barrel from being wrapped around its anchor. It also allows water to run off and cuts down on the chances of the barrel getting stuck in the mud. A roll barrel is a great way to supplement a hog’s nutritional intake while guaranteeing their presence in and around your favorite hunting spot.
Boar Dynamite: The last hog attractant that I’m going to share with you is what I like to call “Boar Dynamite.” Boar dynamite is an easy to make dispenser that allows you to flood your neck of the woods with sow-in-heat scent over a long period of time. To build a stick of boar dynamite, cut a small section of PVC pipe and cap one end. Drill a hole in another cap just big enough to insert a short piece of nylon cord. Do not glue this cap on. It must be removable for refilling. Now, all you have to do is pick a spot to set your boar dynamite. Make sure you set it high enough so hogs won’t be able to reach it. If they do, you’ll never see it again.
Secure the PVC to a limb or post using duct tape or wire. Next, fill the PVC with sow-in-heat scent and place the cap on with one end of the rope sticking out of the top. The rope acts as a wick and slowly distributes the scent while cutting down on evaporation and waste caused by “drips” or other dispensing devices. When set, the boar dynamite should look like its namesake, “a stick of dynamite.” And believe me, this set-up is dynamite when it comes to attracting boars that are searching for a new girlfriend.
These three hog magnets are just a few personally tested and proven techniques to get boars in the areas you hunt and keep them there. Try one or try them all, and I guarantee that the hogs on your place will become addicted to their new found toys and will visit them on a regular basis.