Fort Stewart Wild Hog

This pig was taknen off of Ft. Stewart (military base) in Savannah, GA. Even at 6’5″ and 250 pounds the hunter still had a hard time dragging this hog out!!! His biggest boar yet, although he says bigger ones are around. He guessed the weight to be 250+.

Seven Steps to Trophy Boars

As boar hunting continues to take leaps and bounds throughout the world of big game hunting, more and more hunting clubs and ranches are turning to management practices that produce trophy boars. Long dead are the days of excitement created by the sight of just one wild hog. Today hunters are forever searching for bigger … Read more

Hog Magnets

One of the biggest challenges in long term hog hunting and management is to be able to keep hogs in a given area for an extended period of time. There are a few factors that should be looked at when determining what needs to be done to get hogs in a certain area and keep … Read more