Plant Features: Honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is a twining or trailing woody vine, evergreen or late deciduous with smooth opposite leaves, 1 to 3 inches long. The flowers are tube-shaped, about 2″ long, white or bright yellow on the outside. The fruits are orange-red berries, about a quarter inch in diameter. Honeysuckle is used by ruby-throated hummingbirds and butterflies and … Read more

Hog Magnets

One of the biggest challenges in long term hog hunting and management is to be able to keep hogs in a given area for an extended period of time. There are a few factors that should be looked at when determining what needs to be done to get hogs in a certain area and keep … Read more

Alabama Big Black Bobcat

Here is the original picture from Alabama of a big black cat! Here is a picture of the back side of the feeder. Which side of the water was the cat on???? Conclusion! The exact position can not be conclusively proven. The animal could be on the far side of the water hole or it … Read more

Getting Your Boats Battery System Ship Shape

Boat battery switch, isolator (isolators) and integrator (integrators) systems are worth their weight in gold when it comes to dual (multiple) battery management. No boat owner should be without it! Learn how to keep batteries aboard your boat from leaving you stranded! It is, therefore, the foolish one who sees it as impractical having dual … Read more

Fish Facts: Largemouth Bass Weight Chart

You can use this table to find the approximate weight of a bass by simply measuring the length of the bass to the nearest 1/8th of an inch and then finding that corresponding weight. These weights listed in this chart are averages. Local variations could occur. Use this chart only as a method for determining … Read more

Caught: Alligator Gar Picture

Picture of a huge alligator gar caught in the wilds of Louisiana many years ago photos! Alligator gar reach weights of 300 pounds. Dont know the weight of this one but easy to say it would make the record book. Alligator gar are caught this size fairly regularly but most of the time it is … Read more

5 Best and Worst Casino Games to Play for a Beginner Gambler

Gambling is a favorite recreational pastime for many, but all gamblers are not the same. There are full-time professional gamblers. These people make a living out of the money they make from gambling. Hence, these people have strategies to win more often than they lose. However, most of the people who visit a Casino are … Read more

Why Does the House Always Win at Online Casinos

Gambling is a vice. A fun one. Pure entertainment. Exciting, and breathtaking. It offers so much in every department a man could ever desire. Or even a woman? Some people say it’s even better than sex. We beg to differ but everyone has a preference. What’s yours? Don’t worry we won’t get too personal in … Read more