Fish Facts: Yellowfin Tuna – Thunnus albacares

Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) reach a maximum size of 450 pounds. Yellowfin have football shaped bodies, dark blue or black above with yellow on the sides and fins tinged in yellow with the finlets yellow. Yellowfin occur in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Yellowfin Tuna are schooling fish and are the most important commercially of … Read more

Small Barracuda | Learn More About These Small Predators

Great Barracuda (Spyraena barracuda) has unique dental work. The teeth appear randomly placed but all Barracuda have the exact same dental arrangement unless of course a tooth is broken. Their long needlelike teeth actually each have their own hole on the opposing jaw. Barracuda are found worldwide in tropical waters. There are six separate species, … Read more