Plant Features: Passion Flower

Passion flower (Passiflora; syn. Disemma Labill.) is a genus of about 500 species of flowering plants in the family Passifloraceae. They are mostly vines, with some being shrubs, and a few species being herbaceous.!

Most decorative passifloras have a unique flower structure, which requires a large bee to effectively pollinate. In the American tropics, wooden beams are mounted very near passionfruit plantings to encourage Carpenter bees to nest. At the same time, the size and structure of flowers of different species of passiflora vary. Some species can be pollinated by hummingbirds and bumble bees, others by wasps, and still others are self-pollinating. Passiflora species are used as food plants by the larva of the moth, Cibyra serta, and many Heliconiinae Butterflies.

The bracts of Passiflora foetida are covered by hairs that exude a sticky fluid. Many insects get stuck to this. Studies have suggested that this may be an adaptation similar to that seen in carnivorous plants.

Nine species are found in the USA. Passion flowers are found from Ohio to the north, as far west as California, and south to the Florida Keys.

Passion flowers are found in most of South America as well as China and Southern Asia (with 17 species), New Guinea, Australia (with four, possibly more species) and New Zealand with one monotypic member of the family.

Creative Ways To Plant Passion Flower In Your Garden

Passion flowers add a unique touch to any garden with their beautiful blooms. They grow well in many places and can be planted in different ways. Here are some creative methods to decorate your garden with this plant.

Vertical Gardens

Passion flowers are great for vertical gardens because they love to climb. Install a trellis, fence, or garden wall to support the vines. Pick a sunny spot to help them grow well. Train the vines to climb by tying them gently to the support. This saves space and looks amazing.

Arbors and Pergolas

Plant passion flowers at the base of arbors or pergolas. Let them climb and weave through the beams. This creates a lovely shaded area perfect for relaxing. The flowers hanging overhead add color and a nice scent. Make sure the structure is strong enough to hold the vines.


Grow passion flowers in large containers for flexible garden design. Use good potting soil and place the containers in a sunny spot. Add a small trellis or support in the pot. Containers can be moved to protect the plants from bad weather or to highlight them when they bloom.

Ground Cover

In warm areas, use passion flowers as ground cover. Let the vines spread along the ground, creating a green carpet with bright blooms. This works well on slopes or to cover areas where you want to stop weeds. Trim regularly to keep the vines under control.

Mixed Borders

Add passion flowers to mixed borders with other plants. Let the vines climb through shrubs and trees, adding height and color. Combine them with plants that have different leaves or flowers to make your garden look more interesting.

Hanging Baskets

Plant passion flowers in hanging baskets for a unique display. Choose types with smaller vines. Use lightweight soil that drains well and hang the baskets in a sunny spot. The vines will trail down, creating a cascading effect. Hang the baskets on patios, balconies, or garden hooks.

Garden Structures

Add passion flowers to garden structures like arches, gazebos, or trellises. Plant them to climb and cover the structures, creating a living canopy. This provides shade and makes the garden look great. Place the structures in sunny spots for the best growth.

Water Features

Plant passion flowers around water features like ponds or fountains. Put them near the edges so the vines can trail and soften the lines of the water feature. The reflection of the flowers in the water adds beauty. Keep the vines from overtaking the area with regular trimming.

Wildlife Gardens

Passion flowers attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Plant them in gardens that support local wildlife. Choose sunny, sheltered spots for the best results. Avoid using pesticides to keep the environment safe for pollinators.


Passion flowers add beauty to any garden. Use vertical gardens, arbors, and pergolas. Try containers, mixed borders, and hanging baskets. Enhance water features and support local wildlife. Experiment with planting methods for the best results.