Tree Features: Pignut Hickory – Carya Glabra

Pignut Hickory (Carya glabra) is a medium size tree that Pignut hickory reaches 50′ to 60′ high. Pignut hickory growing on dry ridgetops and slopes throughout. Pignut Hickory wood is heavy, hard, and strong and is mostly used for tool handles. The nuts they are an important food for squirrels and chipmunks. Pignut Hickories have … Read more

Plant Features: Clovers – Trifolium Repens

White clover (Trifolium repens) is found throughout the temperate regions of the world and is limited only by extreme cold or heat or by drought. In the United States, white clover is found in the eastern half of the country and in the Pacific Northwest. White clover does best in well-drained silt loam and clay soils … Read more

Tree Features: Sugarberry – Celtis Laevigata

Almost identical to hackberry. Fruit is popular with winter birds, especially the cedar waxwing, mockingbird, and robin. Little value for deer. Sugarberry (Celtis laevigata) is a small to medium-sized tree with alternate, simple, leaves 2 to 5 inches long. Leaves are ovate, with acuminate tips and a cordate, inequilateral base. Leaf margins are serrate and … Read more

Tree Features: Honey Locust – Gleditsia Triacanthos

Honey Locust are easy to identify by their numerous thorns, distinctive bark and compound leaves. Honey Locust are decidous with very limited wildlife value. Deer will feed extensively on the seed pods. Many hunters make a point to hunt these trees when the “beans” are falling.

Tree Features: Post Oak

The Post Oak (Quercus stellata) has a range from Massachusetts west to Illinois then south to central Texas east to central Florida. Post oak gets its name from the fact that it was once used extensivly for post because of it durability when in contact with the soil. Post oak is one of the more … Read more

Tree Features: Water Locust

Gleditsia aquatica is a tree that originates in the southeastern United States and adjacent regions. This swampy tree occurs primarily in southern parts of the United States. It comes from southeastern, western Florida to eastern Texas, northern Illinois. It can be found as far north as Ohio, southern New York and southwestern Connecticut.

Tree Features: Water Hickory

Water hickory trees as the name implies grow and reproduce vigorously wet areas of the coastal plains of the Atlantic and Gulf as far west as Texas. They are also found in the Mississippi valley as far north as Illinois. Timber value is very low. Water hickory are easily confused with pecan. Their fruits are … Read more

Tree Features: Pin Oak

Pin oak (Quercus palustris) is a medium sized tree that has a distinctive pyramidal form. The leaves are simple, alternate, 3 to 6 inches long. Pin oak has 5 to 9 bristle-tipped lobes with very deep sinuses that extend almost to the midrib. Pin oak fruit is an small acorn 1/2 inch long, round but … Read more

Plant Features: Black Cherry

Black Cherry – Prunus serotina: A small to medium sized tree. Leaf: Alternate, 2 to 5 inches long, oval to oblong, lance-shaped. Margins are finely serrated, dark green and lustrous above, paler below; usually with a dense yellowish-brown, pubescence along mid-rib. Flower: White racemes appear when leaves are half to newly formed. Flowers May to July. … Read more

Tree Features: Dogwood

Pictured above is a flowering dogwood (left) and a roughleaf dogwood (right). There are a number of species of dogwoods all but one has opposite leaf arrangement. The Alternate-Leaf Dogwood is the one exception. Dogwoods are usually shrubs to small trees and can easily be recognized by the veins in their leaves. If you see … Read more