Plant Features: Tupelo Gum (Nyssa aquatica)

Tupelo Gum, also known as water tupelo or swamp tupelo, is a remarkable tree native to the southeastern United States. Known for its ability to thrive in wetland environments, this tree provides significant ecological value and unique characteristics that make it a valuable species for both natural habitats and human use. Physical Characteristics Main Features … Read more

Plant Features: Persimmon

Fruit is used by foxes, deer, raccons, oppossums, skunks and songbirds. If you find one of these dropping fruit during the hunting season you better hunt that tree.

Plant Features: Cross Vine

Crossvine - Bignonia capreolata - Attractive Flowers

Crossvine “Bignonia capreolata” – the leaves are opposite, compound with only two leaflets, evergreen to late deciduous, ovate to lanceolate, margins smooth, 3 to 5 inches long, rachis ends with a branched tendril, dark green in summer, bronze-red in winter. The flowers are attractive, tube-like, flaring and spreading at the ends, 2 inches long, reddish … Read more