Fish Facts: Spoonbill Catfish

Spoonbill Catfish (Polyodon spathula) The spoonbill catfish, also known as the paddle fish, is one of most ancient fish around. They are also one of the oddest looking fish species. Spoonbill catfish are not actually catfish at all as the name implies. Spoonbill Catfish were once endangered but are making a comeback. Spoonbill catfish or … Read more

Monster: Wels Catfish

This picture of a Wels Catfish is quickly making its way around the internet. It is being passed around as a huge blue catfish when infact it is a Wels Catfish. Wels catfish as you can see get quite large. Some even a good bit larger than this one at 187.4 pounds. Wels catfish have … Read more

Fish Facts: Armored Catfish

There are over 50 species of armored catfish native to the streams of South America but have become established in Florida living in steams, canals and ponds. They now occur in Florida after being release from aquariums. They don’t appear to be causing in trouble with any native species. These are small fish rarely growing … Read more

Fish Facts: Largemouth Bass Weight Chart

You can use this table to find the approximate weight of a bass by simply measuring the length of the bass to the nearest 1/8th of an inch and then finding that corresponding weight. These weights listed in this chart are averages. Local variations could occur. Use this chart only as a method for determining … Read more

Fish Facts: Mackerel Scad – Decapterus macarellus

The Mackerel Scad (Decapterus macarellus) live in the warm parts of the Atlantic, rarely straying northward to the Gulf of Maine and to Nova Scotia and occasionally into the Gulf of Mexico where this one was caught. Mackerel Scad are a schooling species that prefers clear offshore waters. Not usually found on the surfuce, instead … Read more

Fish Facts: Lookdown – Selene Vomer

A lookdown is very deeply compressed fish. So they look like they weigh much more in pictures than they actually do in real life. Lookdown are in the Jack family. The scientific name is Selene vomer, they range from the Maine all the way to Uruguay. They are sometimes caught by fisherman. They generally live … Read more

Fish Facts: Longnose Chimaera

Longnose Chimaeras – Rhinochimaeridae are a deep sea family of fish with six species within it. The long snout is used to detect prey. Chimaeras are primitive fishes and are closely related to sharks. Chimaeras have scaleless skin, and eggs that are encapsulated in horny packages. Longnose chimaeras have a gill cover which covers four … Read more

Fish Facts: Alligator Gar

Alligator GarĀ (Atractosteus spatula) Occur in the Mississippi River basin from southwestern Ohio and southern Illinois in USA south to Gulf of Mexico and to Veracruz, Mexico. Alligator Gar are large in size and broad,with a short snout. Light dorsal stripe. Dark olivaceous brown above and white to yellowish beneath. Dark brown blotches on all fins. … Read more

Caught: Alligator Gar Picture

Picture of a huge alligator gar caught in the wilds of Louisiana many years ago photos! Alligator gar reach weights of 300 pounds. Dont know the weight of this one but easy to say it would make the record book. Alligator gar are caught this size fairly regularly but most of the time it is … Read more

Fishing Tips: Sac-a-lait or Crappie

A Crappie is one of two varieties, either a Black Crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus) or White Crappie (Pomoxis annularis). Black Crappie and White Crappie are also called Sac-a-lait in South Louisiana. Both varieties look very similar but they are not hard to tell apart once you know what to look for. Both species are members of … Read more